On delivery, we recommend setting up the Solar Kit without the camera, and allowing the battery to charge for 2 days, before connecting the camera to the solar kit. To ensure the battery is charging, please ensure the button on the battery box is switched on. When switched on, a digital display will appear and this indicates the charge level of the battery which will range from 9-12.4V. 

If the battery charge is less than 10V, it is likely that the camera will not be receiving sufficient power for normal operations. For the initial charge, this can be done at ground level and please ensure the panel is south facing (simply check this using the compass app on your mobile phone) and placed in a sunny, unshaded position and that the panel mount is assembled to ensure the panel is sitting at a 45 degree angle. 

Once the battery is adequately charged (~12V showing on digital display) the camera can be attached. It is possible to set the camera up inside, prior to attaching it to the solar kit and full details for setting up the camera are available on our website: https://www.farmstream.co.uk/pages/farmstream-360-4g-setup

When the camera is setup (either indoors, or attached to the Solar Kit) and connected to the CamHipro app on your mobile phone, you may find our solution guide on using the CamHipro app useful, particularly with respect to our most popular articles on setting the time, accessing SD card recordings and sharing the camera to a second phone/device. 

Setting the time: https://farmstream.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/80000603229-setting-the-time
Accessing SD card recordings: https://farmstream.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/80000953040-accessing-sd-card-recodings
Adding camera to second phone/device: https://farmstream.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/80001030212-adding-camera-to-a-second-phone-device

Of course, if you have any questions or have any feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing [email protected]